Custom Design
LightandConcept, your technical and decorative lighting company, offers
specialized technological equipment, as well as interior and exterior lighting systems, to make your custom lighting project a reality. We collaborate directly
with other designers and architects to successfully integrate your custom lighting project within existing surroundings.
LightandConcept has over 20 years of experience in lighting creation and design. We launched this website to better assist you with your lighting projects and with
your partnerships with electricians, decorators, and manufacturers. Our offices are equipped with the most advanced lighting simulation and CAD technical software,
as well as other office and professional software. We have worked with clients in Europe, North and Central Africa, the Unites States, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates.
LightandConcept offers a wide selection of traditional and contemporary luminaries for private as well as
professional clients. We also carry a range of original products in the popular industrial style. Thousands of table
and floor lamps are available using either standard or halogen lights. Many of these lamps incorporate specialized materials that make them suitable for exterior use.
LightandConcept products can display light in all types of shapes and colours. From taking the initial
measurements to presenting the final draft project, and from layout proposal to execution, LightandConcept will
meet and exceed your expectations. Our main advisory team is directed by lighting designers, technicians, and artistic advisers.
Depending on the project, we believe that there are four types of lighting that can be used in either a separate or combined fashion:
Effect lighting - Functional lighting - Local lighting - Decorative lighting
We begin the project by observing the space to be lit and by determining its use. For a confined space, precise
measurements for ceiling heights and openings must be provided. Power outlet locations are highlighted in
order to facilitate their installation by electricians. To add dimension to the decor, area spots may be illuminated
by recessed or rail lighting, or even a small lamp. For example, a dining room or lounge area generally requires the use of effect lighting.
Because you spend a large part of your life at work, you shouldn't neglect ample and effective lighting on your job
site either. Good, functional lighting increases visual acuity, reduces fatigue, and boosts concentration.
For business lighting, our technical adviser will guide you through the process of selecting fixtures in order to
achieve a personalised solution. Based on the size of your store's windows, the height of its ceilings, or even the
type of hosted event, lighting fixtures can be adjusted and their power, beam strength, and colour temperature
(°K) calculated. The goal here is to inspire the client to purchase your products, which will be highlighted by the
wonders of technology and the subtleties of light and shadow. In such a scenario, the lighting material used may
even be mobile, such as a light rail or stretched cable. The wide intensity range of iodic or sodium vapour lamps
allows us to asses your business lighting requirements and taking them into consideration.
It is important to install functional lighting in the kitchen or lounge area as well. In order to do this,
LightandConcept precisely measures room "volumes", highlighting the location of furniture or workspaces. After
installing strong local lighting around these areas, we finish the room with effect lighting in order to better
distribute light across the entire space. Doing so also helps avoid the creation of dark shadows.
Conversely, when lighting is purely decorative or is based on your personal preferences and tastes, we may
have it take "centre stage" in the room. Such lighting may be distributed in a unique pattern, in a variety of colours or intensities, or in some other format.
Thanks to LightandConcept's large permanent stock of light fixtures and lighting accessories, we can quickly and
easily install different lighting types to work in a variety of areas, whether they be commercial, industrial, or private.